Thursday, September 8, 2011

Only FIVE more days!

This morning was my last prenatal appointment before Baby Bennett makes his grand entrance. How crazy is that?! The next time I see my doctor will be at the delivery, I can hardly believe it's only 5 days away. Scott's Grandma said this morning that he's coming today, but who knows. If he decides to make an early appearance that would be great, but if not we're enjoying every minute we can with Deacon. I've had some sad moments the last few days because it will never be just Deacon ever again, his whole world is about to change and he has no idea what's going on. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO excited for Bennett to be here, I just hope Deacon will be as excited to have a new brother as I am. :)

Here's the 38 week update! Woohoo!
Your baby's intestines have accumulated a considerable amount of meconium (the code name for black, tar-like baby poop), which is usually eliminated shortly after birth and gives you your first experience with the 100-wipe diaper change. Here's what else is up:

Your baby might just scratch herself in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Resist painting them hot pink when she arrives.

Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day. The latter two will continue to mature until Junior is a teenager, at which point she'll know it all (or at least she'll think she does).

Your baby weighs about 6½ pounds and is around 19 or 20 inches long—as long as a duffle bag (in case you needed an excuse to go shopping for a new bag for your labor gear).

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