Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ten Things Tuesdays

One of my favorite blogs to read is Casey Chappell's, she always has so much insight and her journey these last couple of years is so inspirational. She is the wife of one of my high school teachers, and they just recently moved to Texas only a short distance from where we live! Hopefully we will get together with them soon, I think we are going to take them up on their offer to go to church with them in the next couple of Sundays :) On her blog she has 10 Thing Tuesdays where she writes down 10 things she is thankful for, or thinking about, or experiencing- and I think I'm going to start doing the same!

1. I cannot wait for Scott to be done with school! He graduates next December, and after that our journey is very open-ended. He wants to eventually become the GM of a major league sports team, but where we need to go to help him fulfill his dream is unknown. We have both agreed that if we can it would be nice to move away from Texas, to start our own life somewhere on our own two feet. I would LOVE to move back to North Carolina, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of getting out on our own. I'm still crossing my fingers though! Once Scott is done I will get to go back to school, I'm sitting out for the next couple of semesters so that I can love on my little man and so that when I do go back I won't have to work and study at the same time. Hurry up December!

2. My favorite part of the day is early in the morning with my little bear. So many people complain about getting up in the middle of the night with their baby, but even though I am tired I love those special quiet moments where it's just me and Deac in the dark.

3. Tomorrow I need to start my thank you notes for everyone who showered us with gifts and money from the wedding. We are so grateful to each and every one of those people! Scott and I are going to be able to start our marriage debt-free, between the wedding money, taxes, and his bonus all of our credit cards and medical bills from Deacon's birth will be paid off :)

4. Earlier today my friend Sam called me and asked what day this week Scott and I would be available to watch a movie with her and her fiance Tyler. It is crazy to think that just a year ago we were running with an entirely different crowd, and now the four of us are living very different lives. Where last year we would have been at the Sigma Chi house for a party, this year we're getting together at our apartment for dinner and a movie. And I SO enjoy having couple friends!

5. Next week is Greek Week at UTA, and even though I have been treated unfairly by my old friends I do miss being a part of that. I was almost initiated as an Alpha Chi Omega last spring, but a week before my last set of dues was to be paid I found out I was pregnant with Deacon. I couldn't justify paying six hundred dollars for only a few short weeks as an AXO when I would need it for diapers, clothes, and baby gear in nine short months. So I never got to go through initiation and become a "sister", some days I regret it and some days I am at peace with my decision. Being dropped last weekend really helped the whole situation, because even though ∑X aren't my letters, I get to wear them proudly!

6. I love getting my nails done- it's like therapy for me! When I was pregnant I used to get a pedicure almost every week, and the ladies would be very disappointed at how these toes look right now haha. Now my hands are the pretty ones, they make me feel so much more polished (haha). I can have no make-up on and my hair in a bun on the top of my head, but if my nails look good it's going to be a good day!

7. My brother-in-law Todd is so special to me. I have two brothers of my own, but I LOVE me some Toddly! He is so sweet and adores Deacon and Willow. Living with him this summer made us really close, and I feel honored that he comes to me for advice, chemistry help, and gives me a great big hug every time he sees me. He always loves white cupcakes with vanilla icing, I think I'm going to make some and send them to him this week! His birthday is tomorrow so HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE TODD!

8. I find that I end every day with a beverage of some kind. I catch myself saying "I want a glass of ______ and then I'll be ready for bed" almost every night! Whether it's Coke, water, tea, or wine, I always finish the day that way.

9. I'm still having a very hard time with the fact that my once "best friend" Mandi isn't in my life anymore. She was a terrible influence and someone who caused me a lot of pain and heartache, but for two years she was a very important person to me. She hasn't ever seen my son even though for months before he was born she would always say "I want to be a part of his life, I want to be important to him". The night I had him she made up some excuse about why she couldn't come see us, and I later found out that she was with her boyfriend instead. And the last time I talked to her was a week after we brought Deacon home, she called to tell me that she and her boyfriend would be over in two hours- I haven't heard from her since. Last week I deleted her off my facebook and out of my phone, along with anyone associated with her that might give her access to me. It's a good tie to cut, but so hard at the same time and I can't figure out why. I don't want her to be part of our lives anymore, she did nothing but cause trouble and instigate drama- but it makes me mad that I still get upset about it. Obviously it's something that I need to continue to pray about, because as of now I'm not at peace with the situation at all.

10. I want to start going back to church. For a very long time I've been angry with God, and lost my trust in Him along the way. But I don't want to be that way anymore, I want my good relationship with Him back again. A few weeks ago we went to church with Sam and Tyler, and though it is not a place that I can see myself becoming a member of, I loved being there. My goal for the next several weeks is to find a place I would like to call my church home. Wish me luck, NRCA definitely spoiled me and I've found that I'm a very hard person to reach when trying to give a sermon.

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope it was a great one :)

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