Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Deacon is going to have a baby BROTHER!

This morning we went to the doctor and had our second sonogram, we're having another baby boy! Bennett looks great and is healthy and wiggly, perfect just like I knew he would be. :) Before I got pregnant I knew I wanted another boy so Deacon could have a playmate and they be best friends and big time trouble makers. Once my pregnancy started being so different than it was from Deacon I started thinking I was having a girl, but I'm so excited for my little man that he'll have a brother. Willow is going to be relieved that she gets to keep her princess title and doesn't have to share her crown! Ha!

Baby Bennett measured at 7 ounces and 9 inches long, perfect for 18 weeks along. He was kicking and squirming, this is going to be my busy boy I think. I was hoping for a snuggle bug since Deacon has always been so active, but I guess we'll find out once he gets here! Bennett had his hands in front of his face, was sucking on his fingers, and is breech with his feet up by his head... JUST like his brother! He was too squirmy to get a good 4D shot of his face, hopefully next time we have a sono we can get some more pictures. Here are some we got today!

I just bought Bennett his very own lovey! Angel Dear has dozens of designs, but I absolutely loved the frog and just couldn't bring myself to buy anything else. I always buy friends expecting babies a lovey because Deacon loves his so much, I knew it was going to be our first purchase for baby Bennett. I hope he loves it as much as his brother does, it would be precious to have two little boys carrying loveys around. :)

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