Saturday, June 26, 2010

What a bad Mama I've been!

Wow, it's been SO long since I've updated, and an incredible amount of things have happened since then! That's why I've been so terribly lately, we have been ridiculously busy. So now Deac is asleep, the dogs are asleep, Scott is golfing, a load of laundry is in, and I finally have a moment to myself-get ready!

First thing's first, I got a new job! I quit on a Tuesday, and the next Monday I had an interview and started with a new family. They are awesome! And the situation couldn't be better for Deacon and I :) They live in Southlake, about 20 minutes from where we live now, it's an incredibly nice area. Right now their house is getting ready to be shown and they plan to move to Arlington or Mansfield, probably only 5-10 minutes from us- yesss! Emily is 10, LOVES Deacon, and is a sweetheart. It's been an adjustment to having a baby in the house, and right now she's on this "attention" kick- she got mad at me the other day because our waitor told me goodbye and not her(??). So we're working on that! Emily really likes art and plays with her friends a lot, they have a pool too so we all like to go outside and play. Like I said, awesome! And then there's Sammy, he's 13 and I almost NEVER see him. He's a gamer and either plays xbox all day long or stays up all night playing and then sleeps all day. Yikes. So basically I just have to watch Emily, let Sammy know if we go somewhere, and clean up after us during the day. I get paid a lot more than I did before, we can go out and do things like go to the water park or mall, have paid vacation time, and I get a raise when school starts. Woohoo! Very happy with our new situation :)

I've talked to Amber a couple of times after I quit, we went to lunch the same day I got the job with the Evans, and I saw Joi Joi and the boys for Joi's birthday last week. I miss them terribly, but I know I'm much better where I'm at. I can tell that they miss me too, Joi still won't eat and Amber said she calls for me, Deac, and Willow all the time. Every morning at 7:45 she goes to the front window to watch for me :( Makes me sad. I hope I get to see more of them, it's still hard for me to talk about them and to think about missing out on all the new and exciting things they will start to do- the boys will be 1 on the 6th! Crazy. Amber still seems incredibly unhappy and has become suspicious of LeeRoy's faithfulness, but she chose the path that she's going down and I can't help her anymore. I feel bad for her and the kids because they're in that situation every day, but again- I can't help those who don't want to help themselves! I hope one day it all works out and everyone can be happy.

Scott and I are still chuggin along in our classes, he just got done with a week of tests and unfortunately I don't think they went so well for him :( He's taking 18 hours, I don't know how he does it! I'm only taking 3 right now and it's kicking my butt. With my new job the only time I have to do homework is in the morning before I go (forgot to mention.. I don't have to be at work until TEN!) or after Deacon goes to bed at night. But at that point Scott is almost home and I have to make him dinner, so I really don't have a lot of free time here lately. I'm hangin on, but barely. In another two weeks I'll be adding another class onto that and I'm already kicking myself for it. At this point though I really just want to pass, I'm not trying to get the highest grades in the class or anything- it's history for crying out loud! Needless to say, between Deacon, school, and the dogs we've been BUSY!

Speaking of dogS :) We adopted our Spruce last weekend! UGH, I am SO in love with this sweet boy! His fostermama Brenda brought him over for a meet and greet last Saturday afternoon, and I didn't even let her get all the way home afterward before I called her and said "WE WANT HIM! When can I come get him?!" I went that night and brough home our boy, he has just fit right into our little family. He was formerly known as Frost, but because we have a Willow we re-named him Spruce and he's actually taken to it really well! Spruce and Willow absolutely adore each other, they play SO HARD, but afterward they cuddle up and give each other sloppy wet kisses right on the mouth. Precious :) Spruce has really taken to Deacon as well, he loves to give him kisses and beats me to the crib every time he cries. In the middle of the night if Deac wakes up Willow has always kicked me out of bed like "FIX that noise!" but Spruce follows me into his room every single time, he's the protector you know. It cracks me up how different Spruce and Willow are, and how differently I love them both. Willow has never needed a leash, I've only heard her bark a handful of times, would bring any kind of intruder a ball to play with her, and even though she always likes to be with me when she sleeps she's a touch-me-not. Spruce however, walks us instead of the other way around, is incredibly vocal and has this play bark/growl we hear all day long, is incredibly protective of our family, and CONSTANTLY has to be with me and cuddle. He's 50 pounds and thinks he's a lap dog, I can't even tell you how many times I've been sitting on the couch or at the table doing homework and he's jumped IN my lap! Love him :) He's 11 months old so he's pretty much full-grown but still has a TON of puppy left in him. Spruce is petite for a boxer though, which is part of what drew us to him, and that FACE of his just makes me melt! His eyes are really droopy, he has a genetic lower lid that doesn't touch his eyeball so his eyes always look kind of saggy and red, and those tear stains we're going to have to work on. I took him to the vet last week and she said that I could have surgery done to correct it if I wanted, more or less a doggy eye-lift, but unless they get infected or cause him pain I don't want to put him through that. Those eyes of his give him so much character that I've completely fallen for! Spruce has definitely confirmed that I will be able to love another child as much as I do Deacon, just differently- because he has me wrapped around his sweet paw and it hasn't even been a week yet :) We have been taking the dogs to the dog park twice a day, once early in the morning and once in the late evening so that they can run around and get all that energy out- Spruce has been doing so well! He loves to play, gets along with everyone, but still has to learn some manners when it comes to his play bark. I know he's playing and so does everyone else who has a boxer or bigger dog, but there are still some people who think he's being ugly- so we're working on it. He still has a lot to learn, until two months ago when he was rescued he wasn't potty trained and had absolutely NO manners, but we're going to put him and Willow in an obedience class to help things. All in all we are so happy that we adopted our sweet Sprucer, he already brings us all so much joy and completes our little family :)

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