Monday, October 18, 2010

Two and a half months later.... :/

Wow, I've been so terrible about updating my blog! I don't know why I've been so lax, it's not like I can't take 5 minutes to update. Sheesh. Sorry guys :/ It's been super busy around here since school started, Scott only has 7 more weeks of classes until he graduates (WOOHOO!) and I'm currently taking 13 hours of online courses. I'm still nannying for Emily and Sammy, but since they are in school I don't usually have to be there until 3:30 to pick up Emily from the bus stop. I've also started watching an 8 month old little boy named Braxton, he and Deacon have become best buddies! I'll do my 10.4.T tomorrow to get everyone caught up on little things that are going on with us, but for today I'll just post some videos to get y'all caught up on the last 2 1/2 months. Enjoy! :)

Emily's talent show- 8/20/10

Spruce and Willow mouth jousting- 8/30/2010

Deacon learned how to play peek-a-boo!- 9/4/2010

Hey Jaidan, what does the donkey say?-9/17/2010

Rangers are #1!- 9/17/2010

Deacon found the vanilla wafers in the diaper bag, so he dumped them all out and took a bite out of each one. Haha! He thought I wasn't looking, so he was very proud of himself for getting away with it ;)- 9/20/2010

Spruce and the vacuum cleaner- 9/21/2010

Deacon being bad and feeding the dogs from his high chair. Notice how he looks at me to see if I'm watching- I had to shoot this video looking away because he thinks he is sneaky and feeds them when I'm not watching. Little stinker!- 10/1/2010

Deac loved the animals at the fair, look how funny he thinks the pigs are!- 10/3/2010

I sent this video to Braxton's mom while he was over one morning. Isn't he precious?!- 10/9/2010

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