Thursday, March 24, 2011

14 Week Update!

Ok so I realize that I'm closer to 15 weeks now, but better late than never, right? I had my 14 week check-up on Tuesday and everything looks great! Little Bean's heartbeat was going strong and he/she was moving around like usual. I know they say you're not supposed to feel the baby moving until 17-22 weeks, but I felt Deacon around 16 weeks and I swear I already feel this baby! No kicking or anything, but there is definitely something going on in there that is not just gas. I also found out that we will have another ultrasound on April 19th and should be able to see if we are having a boy or a girl! I'm so excited, I didn't think it would be until the first week of May, but now I'll be able to go shopping for the new baby in NC when we go visit for Easter. :) Here's what's going on with Little Bean this week!

Think of it this way: You're a third of the way through and baby's a third of the way cooked. Now that the "big stuff" (like skeletal and organ development) is taken care of, your baby starts a period of rapid brain growth, fat buildup and detail work. Highlights this week include:

Your baby now has fingerprints! Book 'em, Danno! Believe it or not, he actually created them himself while swimming around in the amniotic fluid. As he moved his hands, the skin on the tips of his fingers formed unique ridges and folds. That's why no one on earth has the same fingerprints, not even identical twins! Cool, right? Baby's arms are now in proportion to his tiny body, but his legs are still on the short size in comparison.

Meconium, that tar-like, sticky first baby poop, is now loading up your baby's intestines, which means you might want to set aside a bottle of olive oil, one of the few things that will get the gooey poop off of baby's bottom.

Your baby continues to gain new and impressive skills such as practicing and controlling voluntary muscle movements (this will help him fling food across the room later in life). Your tiny dancer's movements are no longer the jerky, uncontrollable twitches of yore—he now moves with graceful control.

Your baby is now weighs about an ounce and is the length of a flip phone, or roughly 3.5 inches—he's tripled in size from a mere three weeks ago! Luckily, you haven't done the same.

There have been some major differences between this pregnancy and my last one, I'm not exactly sure what that means though everyone else seems to think I'm having a girl. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Here are some differences I've seen so far...

Deacon: I only had morning sickness for about 4 weeks, and only on the mornings that I would have to get up to work at 5:30. After I was up and moving, things were fine and I never really had any nausea.
Little Bean: My nausea has been HORRIBLE and I still have a couple days a week that it knocks me on my butt. I knew I was pregnant before I was even far enough along to test because I was nauseous all hours of the day. At 4 weeks I started throwing up at least once a day, most days it was more like 4-5 times. Talk about miserable! I have to eat constantly to keep from vomiting, and though it's gotten better I'm still not feeling 100%. Soon I hope?

Deacon: I couldn't even look at a jar of mayonnaise or anything with a thick white consistency like ranch or sour cream.
Little Bean: I put ranch on EVERYTHING!

Deacon: Mexican food of any kind completely turned me off. When we lived with Scott's parents they would always have chips with hot sauce and fajitas at least once a week and I dreaded it. I wanted nothing to do with anything spicy or related to Mexican food at all.
Little Bean: Bring on the burritos! For 4 straight weeks all I wanted at 10:30 every morning were 2 beef and bean burritos with cheese on top. I love chips and hot sauce this time and just polished off a whole jar of salsa yesterday, I'm going to have to go to the store tonight and get some more! I've been craving quesadillas, burritos, fajitas, queso, and tacos every day. YUM!

Deacon: Sweet foods were not appealing at all. I didn't want candy, cookies, cake, brownies, nothing sweet at all.
Little Bean: Well, let's just say that sour patch kids, reese's peanut butter cups, chocolate chip cookies, and M&Ms have been high on my priority list. The other day I was having a midnight munch session with a bag of peanut butter M&Ms and accidentally left them on my night stand the next morning. I used the bathroom and left Deacon out roaming, well of course he found my M&Ms and had red, green, and blue drool running down his face and chest when I found him. Silly boy!

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