It's Tuesday again everybody! Here are some things that have been on my mind and my plate lately. Enjoy!
1. Every Tuesday night I watch 16 and Pregnant on MTV, Scott and I started watching it last summer after we found out that we would be having a baby. I honestly don't know why I watch it, I don't have anything in common with any of these girls. But after each and every episode I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have a job, a nice apartment, supportive parents on both sides, and a father who loves Deacon more than anything in the world. On the episode tonight the baby's father sent a text asking the mom to get him papers to sign to get rid of their "mistake". Never in my life have I heard something so heartless and selfish, I'm sick to my stomach! I know that I got pregnant before I was married and did things backwards, it was not at all my intention- but Deacon is the best thing that ever happened to me and I would not trade him for the world. I don't wish an unexpected pregnancy upon anyone and I pray that my brothers, sister, and Deacon don't have to go through this- but how dare anyone call a precious life a mistake? My sweetness is anything but a mistake.
2. Deacon has a new cry- a "my feelings are hurt!" cry, it's terrible. It all started yesterday when Amber was explaining to me how she wanted the art supplies re-organized in the pantry, I guess she was talking to me and he wanted her attention. The pout lip started popping out, his chin began to quiver, and all of a sudden he let out this blood-curling scream and wouldn't stop until she held his hands and talked to him! The same thing happened when Deacon and I were chatting in the mirror and I stuck my tongue out at him, apparently that was offensive. And he started screaming yet again when Amber got home and she said hello to everyone else except for him. I don't know what all that is about, but apparently he's become quite sensitive!
3. Scott just expressed to me how insulted he is that he doesn't even know how to get to his own blog! Apparently insulted is an understatement according to him :) He says that he's going to start making some posts because he has things to say. Important things! So stay tuned for that, this could get interesting. Haha!
4. I'm sitting here drinking a glass of red gatorade (because I always have to drink something at night!) and I completely forgot how good it is! When I was pregnant one of the first cravings I had was blue gatorade, and only the light blue kind. I drank that stuff like it was going out of style! Until now I really haven't drank much gatorade, when you drink 4 bottles a day for 4 months you get sick of it. It's a miracle I still like Italian dressing and black olives too!
5. It's day 5 again on Deacon's anti-poop campaign, thankfully this week he hasn't been acting cranky and gassy. I know he's about to blow though, the gas has gotten incredibly offensive, even Willow was appaulled earlier when he let one rip! It's funny how my life still revolves around poop, even now that I don't work on the GI floor anymore. The other day I was Skype-ing with my mom and Ryan, and I went through every single fart on the Atomic Fart app on my iPhone, we were all cracking up! And when I got my hair cut Brooke and I talked for 5 minutes about having to poop before you leave the hospital when you have a baby and how much fun that one is. I have no shame haha.
6. Next Tuesday is my birthday and next Wednesday is Scott's birthday- funny how that worked out! He's 364 days older than I am, and I think it's really fun that we can celebrate our birthdays together every year. This Sunday we're having a joint family birthday party for Scott, Me, Todd, and our cousin Karli- it's always an event when you bring the whole Hensley family together! Our birthdays is actually what got Scott to talk to me about for the first time. He came over and sat by me at the Super Bowl party last year but wouldn't say one word to me, at least not until I told everyone how excited I was that my birthday was during spring break! Who knew that your birthday could be an ice-breaker :) I can't wait to give Scott his present this year, I think he's going to be really surprised. On the off chance that he actually reads it I'm going to let you all be surprised as well- hopefully I can pull it off!
7. Today was absolutely gorgeous, it was 76 degrees and sunny! The kids and I went for a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon, you can imagine the looks I got with Deacon strapped to my chest, the twins in a double stroller, Joi holding onto the side of the stroller, and Willow trotting alongside us. I can't even remember how many people asked me if they were all mine! I love that weather, I wish it would last I'm getting tired of the cold. Willow loves it too, we went to the dog park again today and she got to run around like a lunatic and get all of that energy out. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my Boston? :)
8. The Bumbo is Deacon's new favorite thing, he loves sitting up like a big boy. He even likes to play with his gym sitting in the Bumbo with the toys dangling in front of him. Every morning while I get ready Deacon sits in his Bumbo and talks to himself in the mirror, it's so cute. This week he has enjoyed being plopped on the washer while I fold laundry, he just goo's and ga's and giggles- love it! Tonight has to be my favorite Bumbo moment so far, I put him in it on the counter in his bathroom while I gave Willow a bath (she was stinky after the dog park!). He started hiccuping and between each one he let out a huge belly laugh! If only my hands hadn't been covered in soap and dog hair, I would love to have had that on tape!
9. Hopefully tonight Deacon will sleep better, it's been a rough 6 days with him waking up every 2 hours. I've done everything I know how to get him back to those 8 hours, I've kept him up, woken him up to eat before I go to bed, put his pap in his mouth instead of feeding him, and tonight I'm going to try letting him sleep on his tummy. Deacon naps that way, but I've never been brave enough to let him sleep all night like that. I'm praying that it works, but I won't deny that it makes me nervous. Hopefully he'll sleep well, but I doubt that I will.
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