I have secretly come to love Deacon's "Team Grandpa" shirt, but when it was first given to us I was anything but a fan. For some reason I've never liked things that say "Mommy's little angel" or "I Love Daddy" or "Grandma's Cupcake" on them, and I always said I would never let my kids wear things like that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with those things, but I think because I am such a young mom and know that I am judged quickly I have become very picky about Deacon's clothing. The last thing I want is for someone to see us at Target and feel bad for Deacon because he is dressed badly and I don't have on appropriate "mommy clothes". I know, I know, it's silly, but I can't help but be self-conscious about it! We Skyped with my parents this morning and my Dad was so excited to see his "Big D" wearing his "Team Grandpa" shirt :) Then I remembered the Fighting Illini hat that I bought Deacon before he was born and we had my Dad grinning from ear to ear!
Last week was one of very little sleep for me, it was Deacon's "off" week and he got up every 2 hours in the middle of the night to eat. For some reason he goes through these weekly phases of sleeping 8 hours and the next he only sleeps 2 at a time. Ah! I can't really complain because when he does wake up it's only for 10 minutes to eat and then he's back to bed, but it makes for a very long day come 8AM! That's why it's taken me so long to update, sorry about that. I was just absolutely exhausted by the time I got him into bed and ate dinner that all I wanted to do was crash.
As you can see from the pictures Deacon still constantly has his hands in his mouth- if it's not his whole fist it's two fingers! I put my finger in there yesterday just to see if he was gnawing of sucking, and he is chowing down. He has also started biting me when he eats which isn't so comfortable now, but when those teeth come in I'm in for it! I can't help but wonder if Deacon is teething but my mom seems to think otherwise- guess we'll find out!
Another thing this week that he has started doing is insisting that I not only stand up and hold him, but he needs to face out so he can see everything as well. This started with his 6 poop-less days when the only time I could get him to face me was when he ate, and even then I had to trick him into but getting him sucking on the pap and then quick switch it up on him. Just getting him to eat the last couple of days was exhausting enough! All day long last week all he wanted was to either be sitting up in the Bumbo, propped on the couch, sitting on my knee, or held standing up and facing out. We've had a couple of rough mornings during the twins feeding time, Deacon all but screams the whole time because he wants me standing with him instead of sitting on the floor with him in my lap. Hopefully this phase won't last long, but on the upside he's at least strong enough to sit on my hip if I need to do something else while holding him!
Deacon continues to smile and laugh every day, he is such a happy baby! Scott and I are truly blessed to have such a sweet boy and we soak up every grin and giggle we get out of him. He has started laughing when we make noises, funny faces, and just randomly when his eye catches something that tickles him. This is such a fun age! Even though he hasn't quite figured out the Skype thing, he loves to sit and talk to people, telling all kinds of "stories"! Deacon has started grabbing for toys and putting them him his mouth, though his Lovey is never far away. We desperately need to order him a couple more, the poor little thing has become his spit rag, chew toy, and other than me his only comfort when he is upset or tired. It's so precious to watch him and Lovey all curled up together- and don't even think of taking him away to wash him while Deacon is asleep or you're in for it! Haha.
The weather the last couple of days has been absolutely beautiful and we've been taking full advantage of it! Joi had a picnic lunch with Willow and the boys on Thursday afternoon and she's decided that sidewalk chalk is her new favorite thing. Deacon likes to sit out on the front porch in the stroller and watch the cars, Joi, and Willow while soaking up the warm sun. Jaxon and Jayden have been like little old men sitting on the front porch in their walkers drinking a bottle in the afternoons haha! I think Willow has enjoyed the weather the most, we've gotten to take her to the dog park 4 times in the last week! Both Friday and Saturday there must have been over 200 dogs at the park enjoying the warm weather, it was nuts! We met another Boston friend yesterday, his name was LeRoy and I'm not at all exaggerating when I say the only difference between the two of them was that he is just a little bit taller. They were so funny following each other around, it was almost as if they thought it was a mirror! Silly Willow :)
For some reason this week Willow has been getting herself into some trouble, which is very unlike her. She ran away from me on Thursday when we were at the kids house playing outside and wouldn't come back when I called her. The kids that were playing down the street had to chase her down for 5 minutes before she would come back, so she got a spanking and had to stay home on Friday. Saturday morning Scott and I babysat for a couple of hours and Willow came back because Joi missed her, but then she pooped in their parent's room. He was probably just kidding and didn't seem mad about it, but their Dad made a comment about throwing Willow outside with the big dogs for pooping in his room so I don't think she's going to be able to come back with me anymore. Hopefully the weather will stay nice and Scott can start taking her to the park in the afternoons, otherwise I think she'll go stir-crazy being in the apartment all day by herself after coming with me and running around with Joi all day for the last month and a half. Maybe after a while I can bring her back, I just don't want to bring Willow if she's not welcomed. I know Amber loves her because she's had a Boston before, but if LeeRoy has a problem with her coming then she's got to stay home!
In other news, I got to go get my hair cut on Wednesday which was such a nice escape for a couple of hours! Deacon stayed home with Scott, I think they really enjoyed having some boy time for a while. When I got home Deacon had been bathed, fed, and was sound asleep :) The girl that cut my hair just graduated from cosmetology school a couple of months ago and has a daughter named Lillie who is a month younger than Deacon. It was really nice to talk to Brooke about our babies and share stories about our pregnancies, births, and the new things our little ones are doing. Brooke and I met through one of my ex-boyfriends 2 years ago and before this we weren't friends- it's amazing how much time and new babies will change people! I'm so glad we could put all the drama behind us and become friends, I think we're going to get together for a play-date with Lillie and Deacon sometime soon! And I'm so happy with my hair, it's exactly what I needed!
I think the most exciting thing that happened this week is that I booked my plane ticket for Deacon and I to come to Raleigh for a week over Easter!!! I can't wait to see my family again, I've been so homesick the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately Scott can't come with us, he has three tests that week, but he understands how important it is for Deacon to get to see his grandparents and for me to see my family (I've especially been missing my mom a LOT!) I haven't told anyone yet that I'm coming, but it should be a really fun trip. The Hupps just had their 6th birthday and they adore Deacon, so a visit with them is a must! And of course my Meredith and I will get to hang out, I'm super excited to see her :) Woo-hoo Raleigh here we come!!
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