Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baby Bennett's 29 week update.

"Having a baby prematurely is frightening, no doubt. But here's a reason to relax: Due to the impressive advancements of medical technology, if your baby is born this week, she'd have a 9 out of 10 chance of survival, which is seriously great news. Other awesome developments:

Baby's brain can now control her breathing and body temperature. She can also cough, and her sucking abilities have been perfected. Look out, boobs!

Your Mini's skin is looking less wrinkled as she packs on the pounds. She's starting to look more like a Pampers model and less like a Depends model. She's now beefing up on the energizing and insulating white fat she'll be born with (unfortunately, white fat is not energizing and insulating for adults!).

And speaking of energy, your little Energizer Bunny is on fire these days. You're sure to feel your share of kicks, punches and elbows, especially when you're lying down. You might want to start keeping a kick chart to monitor your baby's movements, and also to later show your 13-year-old child what you endured for him or her. Ask your doctor how to count kicks and how often you should do it.

This week your baby is a little over 15 inches long—about the length of a loaf of bread—and weighs about 3 pounds, as much as a Macbook Air laptop."

Things are still so far so good with this pregnancy, now that I'm past the 16 week long battle with morning sickness it's been smooth sailing. The only major thing I'm dealing with now is a rash that I can't seem to get to go away. Two weeks ago I had my gestational diabetes glucose test and the next morning I woke up with a rash all over my entire body, it was horrible! Now the rash is gone but the incessant itching still lingers and nothing seems to help. Benadryl doesn't really do a whole lot and Cortisone cream only helps temporarily so I don't even bother. I told Scott the other day I feel like a drug addict constantly picking and scratching at myself, it's ridiculous! It's gotten a little bit better and my doctor said it's probably just an allergy to something, so I just have to deal with it for now.

The heat in Texas is miserable when you're not pregnant, but I'm going to have to ask that someone hit me over the head with something large and heavy if I EVER think about being pregnant in the summer ever again. It's an average of 100 degrees every day and it's HORRIBLE. We try to go to the pool and stay cool as much as possible, but I never want to do this again during this kind of heat. I feel like I'm constantly drinking water, yet I never feel hydrated. It's really important to keep plenty of fluids in my body so I don't go into early labor, so I'm always carrying around a huge cup filled with water. You know what lots of water means though, I make LOTS of trips to the bathroom too! Haha.

If these are the only things I have to complain about, I'm very lucky. At least we are both healthy, I can't ask for anything more! I have another appointment in two weeks and at that point I'll be able to set the date for my c-section. I can't wait to finally have a prospective date for the arrival of this little one!

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