Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My little man is sick. :(

Yesterday Deacon woke up from his nap with a high fever, and it's been an uphill battle since then. I had to wake him up after being asleep for 3+ hours and his fever was almost 103. I gave him Tylenol and tried to make him comfortable, but he didn't want anything to eat or drink and kept his hands in his mouth all night. I figured he was teething, but the fever was too high to be just related to that so I just wanted to keep it under control until we could get to the pediatrician in the morning. Last night during bath time he got so upset and worked up from a pain somewhere on his head that he threw up all over me. It was horrible and I felt so bad for my little man. Deacon fell asleep right after that and slept fairly well through the night, but I woke up every 4 hours with him to alternate Tylenol and Motrin.

This morning his fever was still 102 and he still wouldn't eat or drink, so I called the pediatrician and took him in to be checked out. Apparently there is a virus that has been sweeping through the community and Deacon has caught it. :( This viral tonsillitis has his throat and tonsils covered in white blisters and unfortunately there's nothing I can give him to ease the pain other than continue the Tylenol/Motrin regimine. I was told to expect a full body rash and maybe even a chest cough once the fever breaks, which should hopefully be in another day or two. He's contagious until Friday so looks like we're stuck in the house until then. :/

After a 4 hour nap this afternoon Deacon seems to be in a little bit better mood but I can tell he's still not himself. Poor guy can't decide if he wants to play or be snuggled and he's being super whiney. I finally got him to eat some tater tots and sausage from Sonic this morning and after nap he ate some peaches, but other than that nothing has sounded appetizing to him. Hopefully over the next couple of days we will see some improvements and get over this nasty bug quickly!

Here's a video of Deacon watching Blue's Clues yesterday afternoon, he's so silly trying to talk like Blue. :)

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