Deacon has changed so much in the last week it's almost unreal! Every morning when I go get him out of his crib I feel like he is absolutely huge. The fact that he is bigger than Jaxon and Jayden probably isn't helping! He is going to be 3 months on Sunday, I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. Deacon is already in 6 month clothing, and though I'm having trouble bringing myself to do it he really needs to move up a size in diapers. He still loves bathtime, and I soak up all those rolls, soft skin, and sweet baby chunk!
I love all the new stages he is coming to, the smiles and giggles absolutely melt me- but I hate how fast it's all going! Scott tells me all the time "he's SUPPOSED to get big!" but I'm having a hard time accepting it. I will admit, however, that I adore our conversations filled with "ohh", "a-gooo", and "a-geee"- he will sit and talk for an hour if you will let him! My family back home loves to Skype with him and hear all that he has to say about his day. Being around Joi, Jaxon, and Jayden has really helped him develop, now he thinks he needs to sit and stand up like a big boy, and when they're playing on the floor he likes to be right in the middle of the action. Deacon's going to be an early walker, I can already tell!
Yesterday he rolled over for the first time. Just up and flipped from his stomach to his back like he had done it a hundred times! Of course when I tried to tape it he wouldn't cooperate, but I guess I should get used to that haha. This week I feel like his hands have CONSTANTLY been in his mouth. Until today I have been thinking that he just realized that he actually has hands, but all afternoon I kept catching him rolling his tongue around in his mouth and licking his lips. He found his TONGUE! He's just had his hands in his face to feel it out. Goofball.
I cherish every moment I have with my little man, I am so blessed that I have a job that lets me be with him all day long. And more than that, I'm very grateful for a loving husband who backs me up and supports my decision to love on our son for as long as I possibly can :)
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