Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10.4.T. Making lemonade.

So yesterday I had a bomb dropped on me as I was walking out of work. I was aware that my schedule would probably change this summer since LeRoy is a teacher and Amber said she was going to take some time off to go see her parents, but it wasn't until she spelled it all out for me that I really understood what was going on. Lately there has been a lot of drama there between the two of them and until last Friday I wasn't even sure if LeRoy would still be around this summer. But apparently now he wants to stay home with the kids while he's on break. Okay... So where does that leave me?! For eight weeks I'll be working part-time rather than 50 hours a week, and while it's a much needed break it's also a pay cut for a little while. Scott and I were expecting to get reimbursed for his school this past semester and to get grants from the government for our summer school, but we were also hoping to be able to save a good chunk of that for when we buy a house after the first of the year. Rather than fret about things and pout about a temporary change, we've decided to make lemonade from those lemons! Here are 10 things I'm looking forward to doing during my summer break.

1. Re-charge my batteries! It has been an exhausting past couple of weeks with Deacon teething and waking up at all hours of the night. It IS nice that he's not wanting to eat in the middle of the night anymore, but I don't even remember the last time he slept 4 hours in a row without waking up wanting his pap. It will be so nice to nap with my little man if I need it, I'll be a brand new woman haha!

2. Blow some serious bubbles. Willow and Deacon could watch and chase them for hours! This is probably my all-time favorite picture of Willow, watching her jump around and pop the bubbles with her nose is a whole new form of entertainment for me.

3. Take Deacon on playdates with his buddies! I've been trying to get together with Brooke and Lillie, Jaime and Jaidan, and Jasmine and Pearce for SO long, it's going to be so nice to actually plan a day to go to the park or get ice cream or meet at the mall with our friends. Mama needs to play with her friends too!

4. We have yet to put Deacon in the real pool, but once the blazing Texas sun heats up the water he'll be a swimming fool. And I'm not going to lie, he'll be one cute little fishy with his floaties on :)

5. Willow needs a buddy... BAD! Her jealousy has gotten to a point where I don't even know what to do with her anymore. I take her to work with me and spend an incredible amount of time with her, much more than I was even before Deacon. Her little "I don't want you to talk to the baby so I'm going to get between you two and put my chin over your mouth" act is getting old, and reprimanding her is making it worse. Now when I leave her at home at all she destroys things, whether it's chewing up a book, one of Deacon's toys, or Scott's tie. Yikes. Scott and I think she will be a much happier Willow if she has a puppy brother or sister to keep her company and they can give each other the undivided attention she demands from us. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Willow and how snuggly and playful she is, but her behavior is getting out of control. Hopefully we can find a puppy soon, and the eight weeks of added free time will be a perfect opportunity to potty train and add another "baby" to the Hensley family. I'm absolutely in love with THIS puppy, I've got my heart set on adopting her and I won't lie, if we aren't approved for her adoption I'm going to be devastated. Isn't she PRECIOUS?! Scott and I decided to get a Boxer, and I want to name her Violet :) Pray that God sends us the perfect puppy for our family, whether or not it's this one we will find out soon enough. Wish us luck!

6. Deacon hasn't been too impressed with the grass thus far, so I'm really excited to take him on a couple picnics and get him more used to it. He's almost crawling now, so let's see how grass-stained we can get those knees of his!

7. Cooking more home-made meals! By the time I get home from work, make Deacon's fruit/veggie for the day, and clean things up it's already so late and I don't have enough time to make a well thought out meal. I LOVE looking through recipes and making a grocery list, so hopefully we'll be eating very well this summer :) I'll post it if I find something good!

8. I desperately need to get my tan on. Until I got pregnant I religiously went to the tanning bed and was regularly mistaken for being hispanic. Not so much anymore!

9. Even though we'll have to be smarter about our money, especially if we end up getting another puppy, I really need to go home and see my parents. Deacon is only little like this once and I want them to be able to experience at least bits and pieces of him being a baby. Plus I'm already homesick haha!

10. Last but not least, Deacon is going to get some SERIOUS lovins :) I'm looking forward to just focusing on him and spending some much neede Mama and baby time with him.

Bring on the break, I'm ready! :)

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