Thursday, May 20, 2010

Six Months!

I can hardly believe that my sweet Deacon will be six months old tomorrow. Time has absolutely FLOWN by! He's sitting up like a pro, wants to crawl and walk around so badly it hurts, and eats everything he can get his hands on! I even caught him trying to drink my coffee this morning- no caffeine yet bud! Deacon can say "Mama" and "Dada" and gives the best hugs and kisses around :) Scott took him to the doctor for his check-up and he weighs 16 lb 14 1/2 oz and is 27 in long- 50th percentile all the way around!

This is Deacon's way of saying "I want to crawl and run around with the other kids!" Poor thing looks like he's about to take flight!

Still not so sure about this grass business...

Deacon thinks he needs to grab at absolutely everything these days.

The new fascination is biting down on his pap, pulling it out of his mouth so he can hear the pop...

...Turn it around every which way...

...And pop it back in his mouth!

Deacon tries so hard to crawl, but can't quite get the hang of it. He can move his hands but then his feet slide out from under him. He can stand up on his toes and move his feet, but then face plants. Poor thing just rocks back and forth on all fours and cries from frustration. He'll get there soon!

Deacon and Willow playing sweetly together. They love each other so much!

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