Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ten for Tuesday...

1. ...except this week it's on Wednesday, so sorry! Yesterday was mayhem, Deacon's first tooth FINALLY poked through his gums, and he is not a happy camper! He's been in a touch-me-not mood when it comes to the Joi and the boys, but wants ALL of my attention at all times, how dare I give it to anyone else. YIKES. Unfortunately for Deacon he's not getting one tooth, not two, but SIX all at the same time right now. Randomly all four on the bottom and his lateral incisors (as I was matter-of-factly told by my mother via my sister's facebook!) on the top are all coming in right now, and the first one to poke through was the left bottom lateral incisor. HA! My poor baby is going to look like a hippopotamus.

2. On top of Deacon's teething drama yesterday I ended up with a major migraine by afternoon naptime and Scott had to bring me some ibuprofen (LOVE him!). For some reason I was terribly scatterbrained yesterday morning and washed my coffee cup but failed to rinse out the extra suds, then poured my wonderfully delicious coffee into the cup right along with the bubbles. Nasty. I was running out the door and didn't have time to make another cup, and of COURSE someone drank all the Cokes in the refrigerator at the kids house. So Miss Maggie went uncaffeinated all day long.. AAHHH!! I think Joi could tell that I was on edge, she kept pushing every button she could possibly find and eventually landed herself in the first time-out I have ever had to put her in. LONG day. I don't know how it's happened, but if I don't have my coffee EVERY morning I am a complete maniac. For a long time the caffeine didn't affect me and I could go days without having a drop, but once I started working at Childrens two years ago I have thrived on my morning cup of "black gold" :). I even drank it while pregnant, my doctor said it would be worse for me to cut it out completely than to indulge myself in one cup a morning. Needless to say this morning I put the coffee on before I even brushed my teeth, made SURE all the bubbles were rinsed out of my cup, and savored every drop!

3. This infant Tylenol recall has had me all bent out of shape the last two days, it's a necessity when your baby is cutting six teeth! I bought him baby Orajel (which he hates) and teething tablets (they ROCK!) but nothing does the trick quite like a little ibuprofen every few hours when my boy is feeling yucky. Well I had been told that ALL infant Tylenol was recalled regardless of the brand, but come to find out the generic brand is okay. So today was slightly better than yesterday, but I really don't think anything will get my Deacon back to normal until all those menacing teeth are through. Last night I didn't give him anything before bed and starting at 11 he was up EVERY HOUR until 5 this morning. At that point I fed him and handed him over to Scott, I couldn't take it anymore I had passed the point of total exhaustion. I've definitely been spoiled the past week with him sleeping all night long! I'm praying that tonight is better, I don't know how I will function a second day on that little amount of sleep.

4. Does anyone else ever wonder what happens to that other sock between the washer and the dryer? I'm convinced there is a sock monster, it blows my mind that I can load the washer oh so carefully as to not drop a single sock, do the same transferring the load to the dryer, and then when it comes time to fold and pair the socks at least two are missing. So frustrating! And the weird part about it is that usually in the next load I find the sock I was missing. I remember growing up that my Mom had a basket of mis-matched socks, and the worst part about folding the underwear/sock load was having to go through that God-forsaken basket and hunt one down. If only I knew what really went on in that washer and dryer of mine!

5. On Monday afternoon I went and met with my advisor to get enrolled in summer and fall classes for this year. Success! I am actually a lot closer to graduating than I thought I was, and if I take 6 hours this summer, CLEP out of the 14, and take 6-9 more this fall I will have completed over a year worth of classes! I just have to stay motivated and keep myself on tast, I think the hardest part about all of it is going to be willing myself to study during naptime rather than collapsing on the couch in front of the TV. (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...!)

6. Speaking of school, Scott is in the middle of dead week right now and has finals all next week. After that he was supposed to have 4 weeks off, but because he wasn't able to get into an online art appreciation class like he planned, he now has to take a May-mester class. Bummer. It's Monday-Saturday from 5-9 and it starts the day after his last final and ends a week before his first summer class starts. I feel SO bad for him! Luckily I married an incredibly determined man who is willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve his goals, so he's going to suck it up and take the class. Pray for Scott and for our family, it's going to be a very rough summer!

7. This Saturday Scott, Deacon, Willow, and I are going to watch the twins for a few hours while their Mom has a meeting for work. (Joi and LeeRoy are going to Lubbock for the weekend.) Amber and I are going to swap cars so that we can take everyone to the park for an outing and I am SO excited! I don't ever get to take the kids out anywhere because there isnt' enough room in anyone's car for four carseats, so this will most definitley be an adventure. Scott has met the kids a couple of times, every once in a while he will come say hi to Deacon and I between work and class, but this will be the first time he gets to spend a significant amount of time with them and see what I do every day. Let's just hope that afterwards he'll still let me have 4 kids, haha!

8. Last week at the dog park Willow and I met two Bostons named Elsie and Chuck- PRECIOUS! I absolutely fell in love, and of course came home wanting another one so Willow could have a playmate. I was talking to their Mom and asked where she had gotten them from, and she said that there were always a lot for sale on CraigsList! She then told me that she was putting Churck back on there because he was a "pretty Boston" like Elsie and that they were afraid his ears would never fully stand up. Big whoop! I would NEVER be able to give Willow up, I don't care what the circumstances are. So naturally when I got home I looked on the site and sure enough there was Chuck. Poor thing. But of course Scott said I can't have him because we don't have a yard or house yet, like we had agreed upon before we got another puppy. There were a lot of other adult Bostons on CraigsList and I actually had to close the browser because I was in tears over some of their stories. One lady said she was giving hers away because he was too needy and wouldn't ever leave her alone. That's what Bostons do! And the one that made me cry was a sweet little brindle who had just been adopted by her current owners less than a year ago, but because she needs too much attention and they dont have any more time for her, they're giving her away. How sad for this poor puppy, she didn't do anything wrong, and now she's going to go to another family who probably won't appreciate her either. Like Scott always tells me, I can't save them all, and I know that, I just wish people would read up on the kind of dog they're getting before they dive headfirst into it!

9. Even though Mother's Day is on Sunday, Deacon is incredibly close to saying da-da. As much as it pains me, da-da will come before ma-ma, even though the "m" sound came before the "d". When he cries a lot of the time Deacon will say "a-maaaa!" but he hasn't said mama in reference to me yet. Yesterday he starting saying "a-ya-ya-ya-la-ya-ya-da-ya-yaaaa" mixing "l" and "d" in with his "y's" haha. I'm just hoping that he'll say mama when he wants me before he says dada wanting Scott... there's still hope for my Mama's boy! :)

10. Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! It would have been wonderful to sip on a margarita this evening, but instead in true Hensley form Scott and I are going to eat taco soup and drink a Dos Equis in our pajamas. Haha!

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