Sunday, May 2, 2010

I can't believe it's already MAY!

I know I've said this a hundred times already... But Deacon is turning into such a big boy! For the last three nights he has slept soundly ALL NIGHT long, I almost can't believe it. I didn't even remember what eight solid hours felt like, let's just hope that this is the start of a pattern for him. Deacon's teeth are really bothering him the last couple of days, and this morning when I looked in his mouth I saw that not only are there two slits on the bottom, but four. And he's also been favoring the top gums too, so we could be in for multiple teeth at once. Yikes. I'm okay with that though, I'd rather just get it all over with, and I'm sure he would say the same if you asked him. He wants to be big so badly! Baby food isn't going to cut it for him much longer, he wants things chunky and thick, and if he had it his way Deac would rather hang onto his food and feed himself. My sweet boy is SO close to sitting up, he can do it himself 75% of the time and gets so frustrated when he flops, even if we or a pillow catch him. I truly don't think he will be satisfied until he is crawling and pulling up on things, he really likes to stand up by the ottoman and play with toys on it, he can stand by himself like that for a very long time. It's all going by so quickly! I'm just glad that he's determined :)

Deacon eating french toast with the big kids for breakfast. He SCREAMED and cried until I gave him a piece of his own. He would suck every ounce of flavor out of each piece and then throw it down on the table. NEXT!

I'm gonna GET YOU get you get you!


Pure joy, can you hear the giggle?! This is definitely my new favorite!

Uncle Todd and Aunt Stephanie's prom was Saturday night.

We had to get out the high chair this weekend, Deacon loved it!

Deac goes hard. Haha!

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